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Simple Way to Play Chess |
Chess Game Rules and How to Playing This Game.
Article of: | Game Rules & Simple Way to Play |
Game of: | Chess |
How many can play: | 2 Players |
Where to play: | Board & Dice |
How to Playing CHESS:
Each player has 16 people arranged as follows: First make sure each player has a dark square in the left hand corner. nearest row (rank); Castle, Knight, Bishop, King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Castle, Queen will always be placed in its color (black queen black square); (white queen light square). next row; The object of the 8 pawn game is to capture the opponent's king. A move that threatens the king is called a check, and if the king cannot defend the attacker or neutralize the attacker, he is in "checkmate", when a player moves one of his/her pawns so that the enemy square is controlled by the king. Either, the attacker must declare: 'check' If the king cannot move, a 'deadlock' is called, one can go all the way to queen once he is not 'checked' 2 space game Any space attacked by the queen (Rook) can move and this piece can be rook and the bishop can only travel in one direction at a time (Rook) can move forward or backward. It is moved anywhere in the rank or file may move diagonally back the number of spaces on which it is placed. Bishops are always on a square of the same color - if they start from a dark square, they always travel to a dark square. The Knight is the only piece that can jump over another piece. In one move it travels two spaces in any direction along a rank or file. Then a square at right angles to that line.
Whenever a knight leaves. It will always land on a different colored space. The pawn may advance to a starting line. If there is a piece on the board directly in front of the pawn, it cannot move. Pawns chapter can only move on the diagonal and only one space at a time. At the start of the game the pawn may be moved, either one or two spaces. Pans may not move backwards and are the only pieces that do not capture the direction they normally move.
How to play Double Move Chess:
All the rules of chess in this variation apply with the following modifications. White starts with a move. This ratchet player makes two consecutive moves per turn - either two moves with the same piece with two different pieces.
En passant captor's are made as follows. If a two-place move is made by a pawn, it can be captured in pawn, but only on the opponent's first move. If two pawns are moved to each space, the opponent can capture both of them. If a single pawn is moved twice in the same move, it cannot be captured in Passant. Each double step must change position. A player cannot move a piece and then move it to the original position, unless a captor is created in the first move. There is check or checkmate, a player who captures the king and wins.
How to Play Carolina Chess:
This variation is similar to chess except for pawns and caps, which are reversed. A move is one space diagonally forward, in either direction. A captor is placed in front of the spaceship. One of these pawns first moves two spaces diagonally forward. If an enemy is in a position to capture pan en passant.
How to play Baghouse Chess:
This variation is similar to chess in that when a player creates a captor he returns the piece to any empty space on the board with the following exceptions. A bishop must be placed on a space of the same color as the captor. A player cannot be placed in a row due to pawns. Replaced pieces belong to the original owner (and should be placed by the captor so that they can get in each other's way and find their king less).
How to play Maharaja and Sepoy:
The white player uses a whole piece, which is set in the normal position. The player uses only one king (known as Maharaja) which he places at the beginning of the game on any empty space he wishes. The black king can move as a queen or a knight.
The game is won by the king's checkmate and can be drawn if the king is immovable.
How to play Diamond Chess:
In this variation the pieces are set up as shown in the figure. Move all pieces and captor is similar to chess, except for enemy pawns. A pawn moves a space directly to the enemy camp (positioned as a space of the same color). A pan captor moves one space diagonally in either direction (moves to a different color space). A pawn is not allowed to move two spaces on its first move. A pawn is promoted when it reaches one of the opposing sides of the board. All other rules of chess apply.