Ludo and Snake Ladder Game Rules || Easy Way to Play

Easy way to play Ludo and snake and ladder game hack: Ludo and snake ladder are two very popular games. These games are played in almost everyone's home while traveling in trains and buses. A perfect game for long journeys and to pass the time in the evening. This game is very popular with evening tea. Now let's know the exact rules of these games. Usually these games can be played by 2, 3 or 4 players. Full game rules are given below.

Easy way to play Ludo and snake and ladder game hack
 Ludo and snake ladder Game Rules

Snake Ladder And Ludo Game Rules & Easy Way to Playing

Article of: Game Rules & Easy Play
Game of: Ludo And Snake ladder
How many can play: 2-4 Players
Where to play: Board & Dice

How to Play Easy way Ludo.

Can be played by 2 people and 4 people. Use two dice and four playing pieces for each player. Objection to take home around the board. Each player has four counters of the same color and places them in the space to his left where there are four circles. It is called its yard or base. Roll a dice to determine the starting order. Whoever scores the highest points starts the game. Each player starts in the outer square to his right and goes round as indicated on the board until he returns to the outer square of the center row of his crossed arms, when he advances to the middle row (colored circle). Center of board marked by signal home. Go Each player throws once each time, unless he rolls a six, when he has another throw. The counters are moved forward as many squares as the dice indicate. When six are thrown, different counters may be moved for each throw. The player can use his judgment as to who he advances or enters. Whenever a counter is played on a square occupied by the opponent, it must be returned to the court, but if it should reach a square occupied by one of the same color, it is placed on the same square. Actually all counters of one color can rest on one square. The player who wins the house first wins.

How to Play Easy way Snakes & Ladders.

The player who reaches 100 first is the winner. As many players can complete as there are colored spaces. Players first roll dice to determine starting order. The player with the highest score starts first, the next highest follows, and so on. If the toss is tied, the players will toss again to decide which one goes first over the other. In the game each player rolls the dice and moves his colored piece equal to the number of squares rolled. Any throw that brings a player square with the foot of the ladder enables the player to move to the top of the ladder. If a throw lands on a number that has a snake's head on it, play must return to the square containing the snake's tail.


Hello, My Name is M. Roy

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